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{{data.selectedMerValue | wpmPercent}}%


Fund name MER * Fund code Series Risk Rating
{{(frenchLang && item.frenchFundName) ? item.frenchFundName : item.fundName}} [{{superscript}}] {{item.mer | wpmPercent}}% N/A N/A

* MER (%) is based on actual expenses for the preceding calendar year or most recent half-year period ended June 30 expressed on an annualized basis, depending on availability of date at the time of publication. Click for important information.

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Daily Fund Prices

Fund name Price ($) Change ($) MTD (%) QTD (%) YTD (%)
{{(frenchLang && item.frenchFundName) ? item.frenchFundName : item.fundName}} [{{superscript}}] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

* MER (%) is based on actual expenses for the preceding calendar year or most recent half-year period ended June 30 expressed on an annualized basis, depending on availability of date at the time of publication. Click for important information.


Annualized As of {{getMonthName(getDefaultDate(data.allFunds) | date:'MMMM')}} {{getDefaultDate(data.allFunds) | date:'d, yyyy'}}

Fund name
1 MO
3 MO
6 MO
1 YR
3 YR
5 YR
10 YR
Since Inception Inception Date
[{{superscript}}] {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.fundPerformanceYTD, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.M01, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.M03, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.M06, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.AY01, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.AY03, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.AY05, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.AY10, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.SI, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}}N/A N/A

* MER (%) is based on actual expenses for the preceding calendar year or most recent half-year period ended June 30 expressed on an annualized basis, depending on availability of date at the time of publication. Click for important information.

Calendar Year * As of {{getMonthName(getDefaultDate(data.allFunds) | date:'MMMM')}} {{getDefaultDate(data.allFunds) | date:'d, yyyy'}}

Fund name
[{{superscript}}] {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(item.fundPerformanceYTD, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}} N/A {{::getPerfomanceRoundValue(i.return, fund.className) | wpmPercent : 'clean'}} N/A N/A

* MER (%) is based on actual expenses for the preceding calendar year or most recent half-year period ended June 30 expressed on an annualized basis, depending on availability of date at the time of publication. Click for important information.


{{data.distributionYears[0]}} Distribution per unit

Distribution per unit {{data.distributionYears[0]}}

Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
{{::getMonthShortName(i.paymentDate)}} {{::i.canadianDividend}}- {{::i.foreignDividend}}- {{::i.withHoldingTax }}- {{::i.netDividend}}- {{::i.interest}}- {{::i.totalIncome}}- {{::i.capitalGain}}- {{::i.returnOfCapital}}- {{::i.totalDistribution }}-

{{data.distributionYears[1]}} Distribution per unit

Distribution per unit {{data.distributionYears[1]}}

Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
{{::getMonthShortName(i.paymentDate)}} {{::i.canadianDividend}}- {{::i.foreignDividend}}- {{::i.withHoldingTax }}- {{::i.netDividend}}- {{::i.interest}}- {{::i.totalIncome}}- {{::i.capitalGain}}- {{::i.returnOfCapital}}- {{::i.totalDistribution }}-

{{data.distributionYears[2]}} Distribution per unit

Distribution per unit {{data.distributionYears[2]}}

Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
{{::getMonthShortName(i.paymentDate)}} {{::i.canadianDividend}}- {{::i.foreignDividend}}- {{::i.withHoldingTax }}- {{::i.netDividend}}- {{::i.interest}}- {{::i.totalIncome}}- {{::i.capitalGain}}- {{::i.returnOfCapital}}- {{::i.totalDistribution }}-

{{data.distributionYears[3]}} Distribution per unit

Distribution per unit {{data.distributionYears[3]}}

Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
{{::getMonthShortName(i.paymentDate)}} {{::i.canadianDividend}}- {{::i.foreignDividend}}- {{::i.withHoldingTax }}- {{::i.netDividend}}- {{::i.interest}}- {{::i.totalIncome}}- {{::i.capitalGain}}- {{::i.returnOfCapital}}- {{::i.totalDistribution }}-

{{data.distributionYears[4]}} Distribution per unit

Distribution per unit {{data.distributionYears[4]}}

Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
Record date Canadian dividends Foreign dividends Withholding tax Net dividends Interest Total income Capital gain per unit Return of capital Total per unit
{{::getMonthShortName(i.paymentDate)}} {{::i.canadianDividend}}- {{::i.foreignDividend}}- {{::i.withHoldingTax }}- {{::i.netDividend}}- {{::i.interest}}- {{::i.totalIncome}}- {{::i.capitalGain}}- {{::i.returnOfCapital}}- {{::i.totalDistribution }}-